Frequently Asked Questions

The price will be an hourly rate, which can range from $250 to $300 per hour based on the distance within Monmouth County.

Parents Baby Triad is not participating with any insurance company. However, we can provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance company.

An invoice will be generated prior to the consultation. Please follow the instructions to remit the invoice with your credit or debit card prior to the consultation.

There is no commitment and this is not a membership service. Together, we decide what service is right for you and you are only financially responsible for the service that you have selected.

Feel free to call, text, or email me to further discuss and screen what services you are in need of and to see if we are the right fit.

Home visits delivered outside of Monmouth County can be considered on a case-by-case basis. Feel free to call to inquire.

Although I prefer home visits for the personal touch, I also understand that that may not be the most convenient option for some. Some of my services can also be offered through virtual care if that is most feasible to you. Feel free to call to inquire.

Your unique family unit does not have to fit into the mold of a triad unit and that is perfectly okay! Dr. Quan’s service will likely still be useful to you no matter the family makeup.

If you cannot get a hold of me, please either text or leave a voice message at the same contact number or email me and I will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours unless I am out of the country. If I am on vacation, an auto reply text message and email as well as a a vacation voicemail greeting will be generated.