Perinatal Mental Health Support

What is Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs)?

They are mood and anxiety disorders that occur from conception through the first year after giving birth and interferes with the way of daily function. These disorders can affect people at any time during their lives. However, there is an increased risk during the perinatal period and symptoms can have a unique presentation.


Perinatal (time frame from conception through the first year after giving birth)

Mood (I.e. depression, bipolar, psychosis)

Anxiety (I.e. generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder)

Disorders (gets in the way of daily function)


PMADs do not discriminate, can impact anyone, money and socioeconomic status are not protective





1 in 5 to 7 mothers develop postpartum depression (U.S. live births in 2021 was 3.65 million. That means that at least 500,000 new mothers per year suffer from postpartum depression.)


About 8%-20% of mothers develop postpartum anxiety


1 in 10 fathers develop postpartum depression (U.S. live births in 2021 was 3.65 million. That means that about 365,000 new fathers per year suffer from postpartum depression.)


About 2.4%-18% of fathers develop postpartum anxiety




Complimentary Screening

Dr. Quan will perform depression and anxiety as well as mood disorder screening using evidence-based instruments that have been validated as a free compliment to using her other service. Performing mood and anxiety screening regularly during antepartum and in the first year of postpartum is best to identify those affected at various time points.