Prenatal Consultation

CPR Training

Hands-on training for all involved caregivers (in your home)


Baby Toys to Buy

Tips for choosing safe and educational (cause-and-effect) not just entertaining baby toys


What Else to Buy?

Guidance to the purchase of baby essentials, classic baby/toddler books, parent resources


Sleep Topics

Counseling of sleep topics (e.g. safe sleep, co-sleeping, sleep-related infant death prevention)


Rear-Facing Car Seat

How to properly harness


The ‘how to… your baby’ Topics

Safely hold, swaddle, do tummy time, wipe during diaper change, bathe, burp, do paced bottle feed, nurse/hand or pump express, prepare powdered infant formula (PIF), sanitize and sterilize bottles for


To Circumcize or Not

Review AAP policy statement


Prenatal Consultation Intake

Consultation of newborn management for high risk pregnancy

Which hospital to deliver at? What is the level of neonatal care at your delivering facility? Is your delivering hospital baby-friendly designated or not?


Labor and Delivery (L&D)

Preparation for L&D, true vs. false contractions, anticipatory guidance of L&D management


Newborn Admission to Nursery

Anticipatory guidance of newborn management in the nursery


Newborn Admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Anticipatory guidance of newborn management in the NICU 


Discharge Home

Preparation for mother/baby discharge